本堂介紹 About Us
我們的使命 Our Mission
我們在諾咸頓(北安普頓),米頓堅(米尔顿凯恩斯)及鄰近市鎮傳揚福音已有廿二年多。 我們是一所很福音性的教會,一直注重聖經的教導、初信栽培及領袖培訓等事工。 我們認信聖經是神的默示,是絕對無誤的真理。 我們希望所有住在諾咸頓(北安普頓)及米頓堅(米尔顿凯恩斯)的華人都有機會聽到神的福音,認識神無條件的愛和接納,我們特別歡迎在本市鎮攻讀的中國留學生。 我們的牧者更是諾咸頓(北安普頓)大學校牧之一,故一直都有豐多的校園福音工作,福音性活動和學生關顧等工作。
We have been carrying out our ministry in Northampton, Milton Keynes and the towns nearby for more than twenty-two years old. We are one of the evangelical Chinese churches in Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire and stress on Bible study, nurture the new converts and equip church leaders all the time. We confess all Scripture is God-breathed and the absolute truth of God. We hope all the Chinese in Northampton and Milton Keynes should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel of God and knowing His unconditional love and acceptance. We particularly welcome all the Chinese students who are studying in Northampton and Milton Keynes. Our Reverend is one of the Chaplains at the University of Northampton. So we always have many student ministries, evangelical activities and the student care in the campus
Our Commitment
We are a community deeply committed to God's mission of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of all nations.